Tag #git

Pharo 5DevelopmentSystemBrowserMorphTreeMorphMessageBrowserScopedBrowsingSmartSuggestionsgitIDE
AltBrowser: a tree-based system browser for Pharo with smart suggestions, refactoring integration including environment filtering, and git integration. With a minimalistic GUI so as to be able to put more of them on a screen, and a single GUI to have less to learn to use. It ...
Pharo 6Pharo6Pharo5PackagesFileTreegitMonticelloOSProcessOSSubprocess
GitFileTree is an integration of Git commands below Monticello, allowing a very simple and powerfull integration with a git repository for tracking Monticello packages, allowing for example one to work from github.com (including with configurations support) without any use of ...
Pharo 6gitgithubapi
A GitHub API Wrapper for Pharo to easily access informations from GitHub right from your Pharo image.
Pharo 8utilitiesgitsmalltalkhubmigration
Utility to migrate code from SmalltalkHub (or any MCZ-based repo) to Git
Pharo 6vcsgitversion control
Iceberg is a set of tools that allow one to handle git repositories directly from a Pharo image.
Pharo 8gitgithubapi
Tealight is a project defining a few extensions to the Teapot framework to make the (tea) time you spend with the Pharo Teapot system even easier..