Tag #database

Pharo 4DatabasePersistence
Aggregate is a small persistance framework with a clean API that uses OmniBase as backend.
Pharo 6databasedriversapi
Garage is the relational database driver for Pharo. Garage provides a common API to connect with several database servers in a coherent way (JDBC like). Along with Garage, we provide implementations of several database drivers.
Pharo 6databaseormpersistencedriver
This configuration loads the Garage database drivers along with the Glorp Object-Relational Mapper. It is a convenience configuration used to load both projects using a single config.
Pharo 7databaseormpersistencerelational
Glorp is a full-featured Object-Relational Mapper which offers a number of features to reduce the 'impedance' between working with objects and storing them in flat tables. Amongst those features, you'll find some features saving you from writing SQL queries by hand, managing t...
Pharo 7databaseormpersistencerdbms
GlorpSQLite is the integration of Glorp with SQLite. This configuration loads UDBC, which contains SQLite, then loads Glorp. Once GlorpSQLite is loaded, provided Pharo can find the SQLite so/dylib/dll file on your system, start Test Runner and run the tests.
Pharo 5DatabasePersistence
Mapless is a persistance framework biased to JSON friendly backends.
Pharo 4DatabasePersistenceSQLSQLiteNativeBoost
NBSQLite3 is a NativeBoost interface to SQLite. Works up to Pharo 4 (not in Pharo 5 and onwards as NativeBoost was replaced by UFFI).
Pharo 6persistencegraphdatabaseNeo4j
Neo4reSt is a rest client of Neo4j graph database. (http://neo4j.org/) Neo4reSt will provide: - Raw rest client - Wrapper client which handles JSON well - Object level wrapper classes (Node, Relationship, Property)
Pharo 4DatabasePersistence
OmniBase is a Smalltalk efficient object repository based on BTrees and filesystem with full ACID features.
Pharo 3relationaldatabasedrivermysqloraclemssqlpgsqlsqliteodbcpersistence
OpenDBXDriver is a generic database driver which allows to access and query many existent database drivers such as Mysql, PGSql, Oracle, MSSql or Sqlite.
Pharo 4databaseconnectivitypostgressql
PostgresV2 provides the required classes to connect and perform queries on PostgreSQL database servers using itstext-based protocol.
Pharo 7persistencedatabaseUnQLiteKVSNoSQLUFFI
UnQLite binding for Pharo Smalltalk. UnQLite is a fast, lightweight, portable, embedded KVS with a simple scripting engine (Jx9). By using PunQLite, you can store/load lots of data as if just using a normal Dictionary. PunQLite uses UnQLite shared library. If you have no time...
Pharo 3testingglorpdatabaseseasidewebpostgrestutorialexamplerdbmsorm
A tutorial showing how to implement a small but non-trivial web application in Pharo using Seaside, Glorp (an ORM) and PostgreSQL. The focus is not so much on the smaller size or the higher developer productivity in Pharo, but more on the fact that we can cover so much ground ...
Pharo 6persistencedatabaseKVSNoSQLRedis
RediStick is a redis client which supports auto-reconnecting. Other features: - Minimum dependencies (runs on Pharo without other libraries) - Supports unicode strings
Pharo 6persistencedatabaseTupleKVSLuaNoSQLTarantool
Tarantalk is a Tarantool (Lua with DBMS) connector. You can: - Store/load tuples. - Find tuples by multiple indices - Evaluate Lua programs