Tag #nosql

Pharo 5nosqlmongodriverdatabases
A driver for accessing the Mongo database from Pharo
Pharo 7persistencedatabaseUnQLiteKVSNoSQLUFFI
UnQLite binding for Pharo Smalltalk. UnQLite is a fast, lightweight, portable, embedded KVS with a simple scripting engine (Jx9). By using PunQLite, you can store/load lots of data as if just using a normal Dictionary. PunQLite uses UnQLite shared library. If you have no time...
Pharo 6persistencedatabaseKVSNoSQLRedis
RediStick is a redis client which supports auto-reconnecting. Other features: - Minimum dependencies (runs on Pharo without other libraries) - Supports unicode strings
Pharo 6persistencedatabaseTupleKVSLuaNoSQLTarantool
Tarantalk is a Tarantool (Lua with DBMS) connector. You can: - Store/load tuples. - Find tuples by multiple indices - Evaluate Lua programs
Pharo 6MQqueueLuaNoSQLTarantalkTarantool
Tarantool message queue wrapper based on Tarantalk. - Supporting FIFO queue with priority, TTL, TTR, delay and sub queues. - Need to install Tarantool + Tarantool queue module (https://github.com/tarantool/queue)
Pharo 6persistencedatabasenosqlmongodb
Voyage-Mongo is an object persistence layer made for easy the work with *MongoDB>http://www.mongodb.org*. It is an "ODM" (Object-Document Mapper), in the same spirit of the ORMs for relational approaches.
Pharo 6persistencedatabasenosqlunqlite
Voyage-UnQLite is an object persistence layer made for easy the work with *UnQLite>https://unqlite.org*. It is an "ODM" (Object-Document Mapper), in the same spirit of the ORMs for relational approaches.