Tag #html

Pharo 7HTMLwebquerySeasideBootstrap
"Bootstrap for Seaside" is a project combining Seaside and Twitter Bootstrap and easily use them to write professional looking web applications.
Pharo 4HTMLwebformmetadatadescriptionexampletutorial
Magritte-ContactManager is a little tutorial on Magritte.
Pharo 4HTMLwebformmetadatadescription
Magritte Seaside a cool package to ease the creation of form in Seaside. It is based on magritte descriptions. Remember: you should not write forms in Seaside but use Seaside Magritte :).
Pharo 6pillarHTMLmarkdown
A pharo tool that utilises Pillar library to process pillar text copied to the clipboard and convert it to HTML
Pharo 6pierbookwikihtmllatexmarkdowndocument
Pillar is a wiki-like syntax, its document model, a parser for it, and a set of exporters (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, Markdown...). Pillar is primarily used as the wiki syntax behind the *Pier CMS>http://piercms.com*. Pillar is also being used to write books: e.g., *the Enterprise Pha...
Pharo 7HTMLwebjquerySeasideBootstrapMagritteDDD
QCMagritte provides extensions on Magritte3. It is mostly oriented to creating web (Seaside) applications. It provides a chain of visitors to generate the components, allowing separation of concerns for translations, access control, generating bootstrap components, flattening ...
Pharo 5HTMLwebqueryscrappingSoupXPath
Soup is a frameworks for scrapping HTML. It offers a simplified query mechanism to abstract over the XML and HTML structures of a document.
Pharo 5ScrumKanbanWhiteboardHTMLwebjquerySeasideDeltawerken
StoryBoard is a kanban/scrum board Seaside web application. It is multi-user and multi-project, supports drag-and-drop entry of stories, bugs and chores. Stories can be estimated. Stories have a simple process going from created to done and accepted. The stories are added to ...
Pharo 6pdfhtmlreporting
Render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the (external) Qt WebKit rendering engine directly from Pharo.
Pharo 8XMLDOMSAXDTDHTMLXHTMLparservalidationwebmarkupdocument
XMLParser provides validating SAX and DOM parsers for well-formed XML documents on Pharo, Squeak, and Gemstone. It also provides a DOM API for manipulating documents, namespace support, and an optional XMLWriter for writing documents. Validation and namespace checking are enab...
Pharo 8HTMLSAXDOMparserwebmarkupdocument
XMLParserHTML provides SAX and DOM parsers for HTML that convert possibly malformed HTML into well-formed XML.
Pharo 8XMLDOMStAXDTDHTMLXHTMLpullparserpull-parserXMLPullParservalidationwebmarkupdocument
XMLParserStAX is a pull parser for XMLParser that provides a streaming interface for "pulling" XML events and also supports pull-style DOM parsing for dynamically converting events into DOM nodes.
Pharo 8XMLHTMLXHTMLwriterwebmarkupdocument
XMLWriter allows you to generate well-formed XML documents using an API based on Seaside's canvas and tag brushes so all tags will be nested properly and not left unclosed.
Pharo 7XPathXMLDOMHTMLXHTMLparserwebmarkupdocumentquery
An XPath library for Pharo, Squeak, and Gemstone leveraging the XML parsing capabilities of XMLParser. Supports XPath 1.0 syntax with extensions.