Tag #seaside

Pharo 7HTMLwebquerySeasideBootstrap
"Bootstrap for Seaside" is a project combining Seaside and Twitter Bootstrap and easily use them to write professional looking web applications.
Pharo 8utilitiesseasidebootstrap
Bootstrap 4 wrapper for Seaside for Pharo
Pharo 3testingspecificationsspecseasideuiwebajaxtutorialexamplecalculatorrpn
A tutorial on Pharo, test and specification based immersive programming. The goal of the project is to model the UX aspects of the legendary HP-35 Scientific Pocket Calculator from 1972. We will build several simple GUIs, based on Spec and Seaside.
Pharo 5SeasidePechaKuchaWeb
PechaKucha Seaside App. Project main page: *https://github.com/Pharophile/PechaKucha*
Pharo 7HTMLwebjquerySeasideBootstrapMagritteDDD
QCMagritte provides extensions on Magritte3. It is mostly oriented to creating web (Seaside) applications. It provides a chain of visitors to generate the components, allowing separation of concerns for translations, access control, generating bootstrap components, flattening ...
Pharo 3testingglorpdatabaseseasidewebpostgrestutorialexamplerdbmsorm
A tutorial showing how to implement a small but non-trivial web application in Pharo using Seaside, Glorp (an ORM) and PostgreSQL. The focus is not so much on the smaller size or the higher developer productivity in Pharo, but more on the fact that we can cover so much ground ...
Pharo 4webcssdslseaside
RenoirSt and Seaside Integration Example.
Pharo 7webseasideframework
The framework for developing sophisticated web applications in Smalltalk. See http://www.seaside.st
Pharo 5ScrumKanbanWhiteboardHTMLwebjquerySeasideDeltawerken
StoryBoard is a kanban/scrum board Seaside web application. It is multi-user and multi-project, supports drag-and-drop entry of stories, bugs and chores. Stories can be estimated. Stories have a simple process going from created to done and accepted. The stories are added to ...
Pharo 8utilitiesseaside
Seaside wrapper for Tiny MCE