Tag #ui

Pharo 8themeui
An alternative to DarkTheme, DarkMetalTheme offers "metalic" tonalities :)
Pharo 3testingspecificationsspecseasideuiwebajaxtutorialexamplecalculatorrpn
A tutorial on Pharo, test and specification based immersive programming. The goal of the project is to model the UX aspects of the legendary HP-35 Scientific Pocket Calculator from 1972. We will build several simple GUIs, based on Spec and Seaside.
Pharo 5uiiconstools
This package loads IntelliJ Idea icons for Pharo.
Pharo 8themeguiuiide
A warm dark theme for Pharo.
Pharo 7MorphUIgraphseriespointplotting
PlotMorph is a nice plotting system. It can plot multiple series with different graphical attributes.
Pharo 8cursoruithemingwindows
Provide a better looking cursor (similar to Windows Vista).