Tag #xml

Pharo 7xmlxpath
Pastell is an add-on for XMLParser which adds some methods that make navigation of an XML DOM tree much easier, it is a XMLPath-like library.
Pharo 6persistencexmlserializer
SIXX is an XML serializer/deserializer written in various Smalltalk. The purpose is to store and load Smalltalk objects in a portable, dialect-independent XML format.
Pharo 8xmiumlxmlomg
A XMI wrapper for Pharo to easily access XML Metadata informations.
Pharo 8XMLDOMSAXDTDHTMLXHTMLparservalidationwebmarkupdocument
XMLParser provides validating SAX and DOM parsers for well-formed XML documents on Pharo, Squeak, and Gemstone. It also provides a DOM API for manipulating documents, namespace support, and an optional XMLWriter for writing documents. Validation and namespace checking are enab...
Pharo 8XMLDOMStAXDTDHTMLXHTMLpullparserpull-parserXMLPullParservalidationwebmarkupdocument
XMLParserStAX is a pull parser for XMLParser that provides a streaming interface for "pulling" XML events and also supports pull-style DOM parsing for dynamically converting events into DOM nodes.
Pharo 5XMLwebparserstax
XMLPullParser is a robust StAX (pull) parser for XML
Pharo 8XMLHTMLXHTMLwriterwebmarkupdocument
XMLWriter allows you to generate well-formed XML documents using an API based on Seaside's canvas and tag brushes so all tags will be nested properly and not left unclosed.
Pharo 7XPathXMLDOMHTMLXHTMLparserwebmarkupdocumentquery
An XPath library for Pharo, Squeak, and Gemstone leveraging the XML parsing capabilities of XMLParser. Supports XPath 1.0 syntax with extensions.